

204 products
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Huernia R. BrHuernia R. Br
Huernia R. Br
Sale priceFrom $4.90
Plectranthus neochilus Mike's Fuzzy WuzzyPlectranthus neochilus Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy
Korean Assorted Succulent SetKorean Assorted Succulent Set
Korean Assorted Succulent Set
Sale priceFrom $45.00
Ceropegia woodii String of SpadesCeropegia woodii String of Spades
Ceropegia woodii String of Spades
Sale priceFrom $5.75
Othonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace' - Succulents DepotOthonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace' - Succulents Depot
Othonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace'
Sale priceFrom $4.00
Drosanthemum floribundumDrosanthemum floribundum
Drosanthemum floribundum
Sale priceFrom $3.50
Dudleya gnoma
Dudleya gnoma
Sale price$12.00
Delosperma Echinatum Rare Succulent Plant Shown in 2" Pot - Succulents DepotDelosperma Echinatum Rare Succulent Plant Shown in 2" Pot - Succulents Depot
Pachyphytum Starburst
Pachyphytum Starburst
Sale price$9.00
Succulent Trio (Unicorn Love)Succulent Trio (Unicorn Love)
Portulaca gilliesii 'Purple Rice'Portulaca gilliesii 'Purple Rice'
Portulaca gilliesii 'Purple Rice'
Sale priceFrom $3.90
Plectranthus amboinicus - Comfort Plant, Cuban OreganoPlectranthus amboinicus - Comfort Plant, Cuban Oregano
Greenovia aureaGreenovia aurea
Greenovia aurea
Sale priceFrom $5.75
Ceropegia woodi 'Silver glory'
Pachyphytum 'Machucae' Baby FingersPachyphytum 'Machucae' Baby Fingers
Cephalophyllum SpCephalophyllum Sp
Cephalophyllum Sp
Sale price$9.00
Pilea microphyllaPilea microphylla
Pilea microphylla
Sale priceFrom $4.90
Pilea serpyllacea 'Globosa' Pilea serpyllacea 'Globosa' 
Pilea serpyllacea 'Globosa' 
Sale priceFrom $4.50
Plectranthus SpPlectranthus Sp
Plectranthus Sp
Sale price$4.15
Assorted Succulent Set Shown in 6" Pots
Cooper's Hardy Ice Plant - Delosperma cooperiCooper's Hardy Ice Plant - Delosperma cooperi
Pachyveria VariegataPachyveria Variegata
Pachyveria Variegata
Sale priceFrom $7.00
Assorted 10 Small Succulent Candles - HandmadeAssorted 10 Small Succulent Candles - Handmade
Cremeria Expatriata Crest - Succulents DepotCremeria Expatriata Crest - Succulents Depot
Cremeria Expatriata Crest
Sale priceFrom $4.50
Pachyveria Red Angel's FingerPachyveria Red Angel's Finger
Pachyveria Red Angel's Finger
Sale priceFrom $9.00
Waterproof Plant TagsWaterproof Plant Tags
Waterproof Plant Tags
Sale price$4.15
Rebutia muscula 'Orange Snowball' - Succulents DepotRebutia muscula 'Orange Snowball' - Succulents Depot
Rebutia muscula 'Orange Snowball'
Sale priceFrom $4.15
Pilosocereus cephalocereus palmeriPilosocereus cephalocereus palmeri
Echinobivia Rainbow Burst Rare Succulent Cactus Plant Shown in 4" Pot - Succulents DepotEchinobivia ‘Rainbow Bursts’
Echinobivia ‘Rainbow Bursts’
Sale priceFrom $4.15
Peperomia axillaris - Succulents DepotPeperomia axillaris - Succulents Depot
Peperomia axillaris
Sale priceFrom $4.15
Huernia pandurataHuernia pandurata
Huernia pandurata
Sale priceFrom $5.00
Braunsia maximilianiBraunsia maximiliani
Braunsia maximiliani
Sale price$5.99
Adromischus oviforme - Succulents DepotAdromischus oviforme - Succulents Depot
Adromischus oviforme
Sale priceFrom $4.15
Pachyveria SpPachyveria Sp
Pachyveria Sp
Sale priceFrom $5.30
Rhipsalis ewaldianaRhipsalis ewaldiana
Rhipsalis ewaldiana
Sale priceFrom $4.15
Corpuscularia lehmannii - Ice PlantCorpuscularia lehmannii - Ice Plant

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